Monday, February 6, 2012

Last August, there was a 2-week period in which I transitioned from my old apartment to my new one.  I had to move all my tanks to my parents' (2.5 hours away!) since the construction of my new building wasn't completed yet.  When I moved back, I left a few tanks, along with a 20L CBS.  This past weekend, I visited my parents; the CBS population has grown well and I may be reaching the "high-density tank" level - though I anticipate selling/donating some shrimp.

Among the CBS was a "Super" Crystal Red Shrimp, though this one may be a low grade Super CRS, or simply just a super low grade CRS.  Common names aside, it is simply a CRS that has a wider red coverage and minimal white.

Here's a video of it making its way to the food:

And a video of the CBS feeding:

(sorry for the poor quality, videos were taken with my phone)

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